On 18.12.2021 a Multiplier Event “BEST PRACTICE IN TEACHING ML & DS IN VET” was held, within the project “Advancing Machine Learning in Vocational Education – VALENCE” organized by the Municipal Vocational High School “ILINDEN” together with the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology at the “Ss Cyril and Methodius” University in Skopje. The event was officially opened by the school director Zorance Arsovski, followed with a presentation of the school by Professor Slobodan Tanevski in which participants were introduced to the resources available to the school and the profile of students studying there. At the event, the results of the research activities within the project were presented, as well as the current activities in the development of the educational software VALENCE using the Orange platform. Professors from FEIIT, Branislav Gerazov, Zivko Kokolanski, Marija Markovska Dimitrovska, Gorjan Nadzinski and Stefan Zlatinov took part in this event. The event developed a discussion about the state of machine learning in Macedonia and the need for it in industry. There was also a talk about the implementation of the curricula and the machine learning programs that will result from this project in vocational education.